Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Movie + Triggers.

Triggers for exe file:
1=First group
2=Second group
3=Third group....and so on for 4-9.

Thanks Amie!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Problems,Thoughts + Screenshots.



Had a play around with lighting and increased glossiness on the objects so when you're close to them you can see the clouds from the background reflecting off them.
For some reason, one of the inner groups doesn't rotate around the axis properly and forms a cross-shape, shown in the the screenshot. I've tried deleting the animation for it and redoing it again but it still doesn't want to expand properly. However in saying that, I think it creates a focal point, so I'll keep it as it is. It also sort of resolves the problem of the off-centred circle at the back which I tried to fix by swapping the translucent teal colour on the back object with the wooden texture on the front. However this threw off the balance of the scene so I stuck with my original placement of textures.

I realised that simply walking through the space with the rotating objects wouldn't look that effective and also wouldn't take up 1min. I also didn't want the movie to become repetitive so I started looking around in esperient creator to find more interesting views of the model. I thought that looking through the tunnel from the back was quite interesting as well as close up shots of the sides because you can see the light reflecting off the glossy objects.

Now to make the movie...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Problem with Deep Exploration Renders.

I tried importing my sketchup model into Deep Exploration again to see if the HDR renders would work. Also tried researching on the net to see if other people were having the same problems but couldn't find a resolution. So I tried rednering them again and unfortunately it was still stuck on 0% for ages and didn't seem to be going anywhere after 20 mins. This is really really frustrating! I will just have to use the initial raytracer renders that I posted earlier for my hand in. Grr.

Note: I've relabelled my earlier renders as "Final Renders-Problem."

Screenshots from Esperient + Next Steps.


(238kb)Here we can see how the transparency and exploded tunnel fragments creates interesting shapes. However I think I'll have to edit the lighting and also the materials to give the model a more three dimensional appearance. The first image shows how the wooden shape doesn't really rotate around the center- you can see the blue outline of an object behind it. I don't particularly like how this looks, but I could change this by changing the materials or placement of objects. I also found it quite helpful to rename all my groups. It was quite time consuming but really helpful for when I started animating my objects. At the moment I have a trigger field just at the start of the tunnel and a line which the camera follows to get to the centre but I will probably take this away as I think it might be too difficult to time the expansion of objects and allow the camera to go through model at its own pace.

Friday, May 7, 2010

100 Words.

I want to surprise the viewer and make them question what is real and what is not. To do this, I want the opening scene to appear as a seemingly normal and transparent tunnel. However as the camera is directed through, the cylinder tunnel starts to explode out into fragments and also starts rotating in different directions. The viewer is forced to question what components are floor, walls and roof? It becomes a completely abstract space- where nothing is fixed. The transparency of the model will allow the viewer to see the rotating curved shapes through the cylinders, further emphasising the indefinite nature of the environment.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Renders= Problem.

I played around with lighting and adjusting my textures in Deep Exploration, however when I tried to HDR render my scenes for mid-review, the rendering process was stuck on 0%. I gave up after half an hour of waiting. My model size is under the suggested 20x20m max limit so I don't understand why it won't render. In the end I had to just use my Raytracer renders for the purpose of showing my work for midreview. I'm not happy with how they look at all- they appear nothing like how they do on the screen. I will have to come back and see if I can redo them when I get the chance, right now I have to concentrate on keeping up.

Textured Sketch Up Model 2.


I like the contrast of the wooden and glass textures, however the inner tube does not show up that well in these images because the wood texture is too over powering. In Deep Exploration I think I will change the texture to something that isn't too "busy" looking and will also increase transparency.

Developed Sketchup Model 3.

Realised that I hadn't grouped my elements that I want to move.. and it was impossible for me to regroup them. So I had to redo my model but make sure that my all my elements were grouped this time! I decided to omit the platform in the centre of it because it looked strange next to the curved objects.



Textured Sketch Up Model.


Developed Sketchup Model2.


New Inspiration.

"The whale"- The enigmatic space of the boadroom of an office in Budapest. I like the aesthetics and how there is no real ceiling or walls because of the curved surfaces. The designer also used a glass floor (not seen that well in this image) to reflect the design which I think looks quite effective with the curved wooden beams.
I was also inspired by a quote by Rem Koolhaas; "Imagine a room where a floor becomes a wall becomes a ceiling becomes a wall and floor loops the loop." Even though I am not designing a room, but a space, it inspired me to create a completely abstract space where the viewer has to rethink about what exactly they are seeing.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Developed Sketchup Model.

I felt my initial model looked too simplistic so added more curved elements which makes it a whole lot more interesting.



Initial sketchup model.

I wanted to play around with the element of surprise by elevating parts of my model as a person stands on the surface. This elevation should change the way the viewer perceives the environment- firstly as plain and boring, and then interesting as the objects protrude out of the flat surface from nowhere.

PROJECT TWO. Initial Sketches.

The initial sketches are derived from my figure-model from project 01. I really like the idea of objects slotting into each other like (a jigsaw puzzle) or opening up to form something completely different. However I want to use curved shapes just because I think they look more interesting to look at.

(2.1mb, 300dpi)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Final Images.



Final Sketch Up Models.


Sunday, March 21, 2010